Find you custom handbag manufacturer

A custom handbag manufacturer is a company that does not only understand your needs, but also is able to produce exactly the handbag you have in mind. After doing all the research to identify the needs of your clients, you need a partner to turn your concept into a beautiful bag.

Plan before you start to search for a custom handbag manufacturer

Safe time and frustration when searching for a custom handbag supplier, good preparation is essential for the most beneficial outcome.


Allocate enough time in your planning to do your research for finding the right bag manufacturer . Look for a partner and be sure you share the same value and goals. An external production center controls the cost of your bags, the quality, and packaging and shipping. This makes it an essential part of your business and thus very important.
You can find suppliers for handbag on google, and marketplaces like Alibaba. But be sure the supplier is not a middleman without production facilities. Consider visiting the company abroad to be sure they have their own production lines for bags.
When you start to search with Google or Bing take some time to educate yourself about how to write a search query with the best result. Include or exclude the relevant or irrelevant keywords you are looking for, to optimize the search result for “custom handbag manufacturer” or “custom purse maker”
Your network
You have been doing some market research before you found your niche on the bag market. When performing this market research, you must have had contact with other people buying bags, designing handbags, selling products like bags.
Include some questions in your market survey about their experience when searching for handbags and if relevant their knowledge about bag producers. Not everybody is fishing in the same pond and perhaps they see a possibility for a joint venture when you offer bags and they have matching shoes. Ask them to share any bag manufactures from their list of contacts. Remember: you have no, but can try for yes!
Social networks and communities
Join a Facebook group about bag design or check your local chamber of commerce community. Become an active member, this will not only help you finding custom bag suppliers, it is also a great marketing opportunity for your bags when they are available on the market.
Industry classifications for bags
For several reasons the market is organized by codes, like NAICS, SIC or for China the Industrial Classifications.
For example NAICS, is the North American Industry Classification System, a standard implemented in 1997 for classifying industry, product, and establishment. Search by relevant code to find the company. Check the chamber of commerce of the country you search for bag suppliers for the relevant codes

Plan a visit to the bag manufacturer

The internet has many advantages, and we all learned the benefits of online resources during the Covid-19 pandemic. But face to face contact, to see the production lines, to smell the fabric the bags are made of and to experience yourself if the workers are happy and skilled cannot be replaced by the information you find on the website of a custom handbag manufacturer.

The launch of a new product, your new handbag or backpack should not be frustrated by a supplier that over promises and under delivers.
Make sure your have contacts through Webex or zoom with your counterpart. Ask for a virtual tour through the company if possible. Sometimes the sales and the handbag production facility are not in the same location, make sure you see both locations.
The best way is to plan a actual visit to the custom handbag manufacturer, meet the sales team, see the design team work on the bags and see how well maintained the facilities are.

Visit Jimbobags, your custom handbag manufacturer

We are so proud about our workers and facilities we give you an open invitation to visit our office and production facility. Contact our sales team and plan your visit to see how skilled our workers are, the quality controls in place and let’s discuss our goals and values. We are sure we can offer you a unique experience on your search for the best handbag manufacturer.

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